Update v1.2.6 - 14/5/2014
- May 14, 2014
- Updates
Tourmake has been upgraded to 1.2.6 version, that improves the user experience and the software reliability.
Here's the changelog:
- Bug fixes in Areas plugin (refreshing image in preview, error in saving process), in Points plugin (refreshing image in preview);
- You can hide share button in Areas and Points of Interest by using the feature Show share buttons during the customization;
- You can remove an area of interest from the side navigation menu by using the relative feature in the customization; same for the Points of Interest plugin. So creating a tour without a navigation menu becomes possible;
- Improved the visualization of the points of interest during customization;
- French translation;
- Resetting the starting point is now working properly;
- General improvements to performance and reliability.